Wednesday, 6 November 2013


HDR Photography:

HDR Photography stands for High Dynamic Range Photography and is a way of combining together image data from several digital exposures to create one final photo with non-realistic details. (
The idea of several exposures was discovered in the 1850’s by Gustave Le Gray to show both the sky and the sea in one photo. HDR has been recognized for years but was not used often until recently. Modern HDR photography is different because it is based on making a high-dynamic ranged image.  (

HDR photos are created with cell phones, cameras, and photoshop.

I used one of the school cameras and took a total of 9 images; 3 underexposed photos, 3 regular photos, and 3 overexposed photos. I changed the setting for the underexposed to -2 and the setting of overexposed to +2. Then I combined the three images and altered the HDR tones to make one final HDR photo. I learned how to expose a picture into HDR using only a camera, photoshop, and the tutorial.

The theme I used for my photos was nature. One photo is leaves laying on the grass, another is houses with trees, and the last is a pumpkin.
I chose this theme because I love nature and I wanted to see what it would look like to make natural things HDR.